There’s a not-so-recent trend of Light Novels (LN) having ridiculously long titles. And as time goes on, they get longer and longer to the point of absurdity. Rather than provide a story summary...
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You’ve been reading Light Novels (LN) for a while and perhaps wonder where they come from. 99.9% of the time, the answer is Japan. But perhaps during your journey through the LN fandom, you’ve...
There’s a lot to unpack regarding pacing, so let’s just dive right into it. First off: the pacing of your Light Novel (LN) is not how fast story events happen, but your story’s general flow:...
At first glance, Light Novels (LN) aren’t much different from standard novels. The only difference is the word ‘light’ slapped on the front. Both have words, scenes, chapters, prose, and...
You’ve read a million Japanese Light Novels (LN) and perhaps came across a few written by Non-Japanese Authors. And in seeing the latter—you realized you could write one too. But how? Taking...
One of the greatest hindrances to writing my first Light Novel (LN) was thinking that everything I wrote had to be unique. I thought I had to have a story that would shock readers with its...